The Icebreaker Military Shoot
Target: NRA Round Bull
No. of Rounds required: 20 for Competition plus 5 convertible sighters
Distances: 300 yards Competition in AM. 600 years Practice targets in PM
Max. Competition Score: 100 points
Squading Time: 30 minutes for prone
Course of Fire: This practice requires you to shoot 20 consecutive rounds to score within the allotted time plus the five convertible sighters. You will fire this in the prone position. The convertible sighters will be indicated then patched out, the 20 round string will be scored once the string has been completed. The only restriction is that you have 30 minutes to complete this in total. If you complete your string within the 30 minutes make sure that the scorer is aware that you have finished. Your time for completion (from the beginning of your squadding time) will also be recorded and may be used in the event of a tie.
Artificial Support: Improvised rest allowed ie gun bag/box or original slings permitted
Please present yourself at the firing point at least 20 minutes before the start of your allotted shooting time. You will be expected to be ready to shoot the moment that your squading time begins so s et up your equipment during the preceding shooters string. Please take care not to distract the active competitor - it's your turn next!Ver 07.02.19